International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. This year on March 8th, Camurus wanted to use the day as a platform to increase the awareness of gender differences in opioid dependence.
In Europe, women account for approximately 25% of the population with illicit substance use and about 20% of entrants to treatment programs. Specific groups of women with substance dependence, including pregnant women and mothers, those involved in sex work, women in prison and ethnic minorities are considered vulnerable populations.
To raise awareness of gender differences in opioid dependence, Camurus approached W to develop an easy-to-read brochure that could be shared on their social media channels, such as LinkedIn. Based on inspiration from Camurus, W developed the content and created the design for the ‘Women and Opioid Dependence’ brochure.
After ideating with the Camurus team, W developed a Camurus branded digital brochure that was shared on the Camurus LinkedIn page. The brochure included important information on the challenges that women with opioid dependence face on a daily basis, and the areas for improvement.
The topic of opioid dependence naturally is a sensitive one, and W using our medical writing competences developed content that addressed these areas in a sensitive, yet informative manner. Covering topics such as, crime and prison, suicide and psychiatric issues, female sex workers and maternity risks.
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